Managing your KnowledgeBase subscription

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

To manage your KnowledgeBase subscription, head to the left sidebar and go to Subscribe section. This is where you mange your subscription.


Upgrading your account

To upgrade your KnoweldgeBase account, you need your credit card and approximately one minute of your time. 

When in the Subscription tab, enter your credit card details and choose a billing cycle. You can choose between montly and annual payments. Keep in mind that with annual payments, you save a few bucks. 


Once you entered all information, click Subscribe. 

You'll be transferred to the payment gateway and if you payment is successful, you get a pop-up with confirmation.


Congratulations, you've subscribed to KnowledgeBase!

Note: All payments are in US Dollars (USD). If you try to pay in another currency, your bank will automatically convert the payment to US Dollars.


You can cancel your KnowledgeBase subscription anytime you want.

To downgrade your plan, head to the same Subscription section and click Cancel your subscription.


You will see a confirmation pop-up to make sure you want this.


As soon as you confirm, we'll downgrade your account the day after your current billing cycle.

Updating card information

If you need to change your card details, you can do this in seconds. Inside the Subscription tab, click Update payment details. 


You will get a pop-up where you provide new card details. 


Hit Save and you are good to go!

How much does KnowledgeBase cost?

KnowledgeBase comes at $59 a month. If you decide to subscribe for one year, you save $120. See pricing for more information.

What are the payment methods? 

You can subscribe to KnowledgeBase using a credit card. 

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